Elders French, Johnson, Horsley, Sister French |
A common occurrence around the MTC campus is missionaries sharing their testimonies to other missionaries. Marcia and I were put on the spot and challenged by both of our primary tutors to do so in Tagalog. Marcia's vocabulary and understanding is much better than where I'm at, but I was able to stammer through.
One set of missionaries we ran into had a Fisher's 1st ward connection. As we conversed with Elders Johnson and Horsley we found out that they were going to Columbus Ohio. We mentioned that used to be the temple that we attended since we were from Indianapolis. Elder Johnson than told us he had an aunt and uncle in Indianapolis- somewhere. Since Indy is soooo small we asked what their names were. He wasn't sure about the last name but was definite that the first names were Dan and Allyn. Marcia and I told him that his Aunt's last name is Baker and that we did know them. It is a small world....
Brian Buchner (tutor), Sister French, Elders Lyybert, Bliss going to Romania |
For those not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon), our church sends missionaries to about 160 some countries. Before they go into the "mission field" they are sent to a Mission Training Center (MTC) to learn how to share the gospel and also a language if they are leaving their home country. While Marcia and I are at the MTC we will try and post pictures, names and where they are headed.... jsf
Hermanas Chavez and May |
Hermanas Folland and Whitaker- Guatamala |
Sister Belnap and Dolan- Japan |
Soeur Garrett and Stahly-France
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