Let me try another one. For example- myself (deja-vu). I know my sister-in-law Charma. (Charma is married to Max-FYI). Charma grew up in Las Vegas where her father, Reen Call, was a dentist for a number of years. Reen Call new a pharmacist who had a pharmacy, the only pharmacy, on the Las Vegas strip. Reen, his wife, and the pharmacist and his wife, were good friends. Since the pharmacist's pharmacy was the only one close to the hotels on the strip his shop was frequented by headliners who performed at the hotels. One of those performers was Elvis Presley. When Elvis had a bad tooth he went to the pharmacist for a recommendation of a good dentist. The pharmacist recommended Reen Call. Reen Call's youngest daughter is Charma. Charma married Max. I married Max's sister. Then me. Now that was a stretch to about 5 or 6 degrees.
OK- so I'm having a somewhat difficult time getting to the seven degrees but you get the general idea. BUT here in Utah it is much closer than seven degrees. Today we sat in a meeting with the other medical experts going around the world. Today we found out that Elder Rose's sister-in-law was one of the people who sent clothing to Africa for one of Sister Hebertson's friends serving a mission in Africa. While we were being tutored in the MTC one of our tutors just happened to be a cousin of Elder and Sister Jackson. It is a SMALL MORMON WORLD AFTER ALL!
The phrase seven degrees of separation may not fit in a modern world but it is fun to observe!
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