Saturday, August 11, 2012

Driver's license excursion

Drug testing on the second floor
 Even before we arrived in the Philippines people were alluding to the fact that we would have to get a Philippines driver's license. When Marcia talked to the sister that she was to replace she asked her if we should get an international license. Her response was that we should wait until we get here because it would take a day to do so.

Once we arrived in Manila, at some point, conversation would always come around to the point of us getting a license. Horror stories abounded. A couple we share an office with told us it took two days for them to obtain their license. Then on further review he said it actually took three days.

View of road from the 'drug testing center.'

Marcia taking the eye exam. Our escort, Clem, to her right
Fortunately we were not sent out on our own to achieve this daunting task. We were sent with Clem. Clem works out of the Philippines Area Office (PAO- The Philippines is awash with acronyms and nicknames. Fodder for later blogs!)
It was his job to take us to where we needed to do our drug screening, physical and then to the office where we actually got our license.

There were four of us who went to get our license- Elder and Sister Jackson, Marcia and I. We compared notes after we had our physical. Our blood pressures were normal. As we compared notes we found out that our pressures were very similar. We were all 120/80. I think its being close to the equator that normalizes ones blood pressure to an equilibrium point. That's just my unscientific observation.

Our urine tests all came back normal. One of the group did have an issue of donating an adequate amount of urine for the 'whiz quiz'. After two repeated tries Clem informed the person on the third attempt, if unsuccessful, to just go ahead and spit into the cup. Fortunately the third time was a charm.

The Jacksons and Frenches surviving our 'physical'
My personal favorite test was the "look at the calf test." This was performed on all of us and I was saddened that the person doing the leg test didn't compliment me on my nice legs. We all did pass that particular test as well.

Amazingly we were in and out of the physical area of our application in about 45 minutes. Clem then took us to where we actually obtained our license. I took heart when I noticed that in the same facility was a Catholic chapel. I guess it is there for those who are having a particularly hard time getting their license. Fortunately for us not one had to resort to a Catholic mass.
For those who don't have a prayer in obtaining a license a Catholic
chapel is located at the driver's license department

After all was said and done we were able to be back at the PAO by 11 a.m. I'm not sure but I do think someone called Guiness World Records to see if we do qualify. I will keep everyone posted on the outcome of that. Overall it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. Though it was interesting- when you get a chance ask Sister French how well the lock worked on the bathroom door where we did our 'whiz quiz.' ...


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